Part of the earlier concept for we continue deliver customer satisfaction.
The Swedish magazine “Mobil” found halebop support chat as best in class 2011.
Author Archives: Jonas (Öquist) Lind Bertéusen
Laptoplife simply
Design through research comission
How do a service provider create the perfect customer experience when you get a delivery of several complex products at the same time. We where commissioned to analyze this area.
Visualising 3d Hologram labels for Rolling Optics
We produced together with Stanley at Rithuset astonishing animation for Rolling Optics.
We just love what you can do with Rolling Optics 3D labels.
If you are interested in these 3d labels go to Rollingoptics
We build loyalty at Halebop
We used email and sms to drive traffic to the Loyalty campaign in
Rolling Optics editor make the optical illustion alive online
We are proud to present an editor that make 3d hologram come alive online; before they are produced for real at the Rolling Optics production plant in Stockholm. Thanks to Daniel (3d exploration) and flex and flash programming.
If you are interested in these 3d labels go to Rollingoptics
Halebop support “ger svar på tal”
After doing massive research on how future customer support will look like. We even was privileged to act as design directors for Halebop and came up with a concept to meet customer needs faster. Take a test drive.
A housing association logo is born
Supportkoncept för Halebop: research, utveckling och implementering
Hur ser framtidens kundtjänst ut? Det ska vi ta reda på tillsamman med vännerna på Halebop.
We launched
We are happy to present the new site for a business doing the best holos we ever seen.
We wish Fredrik Blomquist and Alex Lundvall with their team the best luck.
Take a look at the holo at Rollingoptics.
Big thanks to Patrik Engborgs great code and Search Engine Optimization, flash intro and praise rithuset for the great illustrations!
Vi har jobbat med
Distribution & Recyling by Eniro Gulasidorna
I wanted to visualize the entire distribution and recycling process in one image. Stefan and Tobias at Rithuset animated it as a circular process. Every single item in the images was reused as iconography in the printed Eniro Gulasidorna.
Mobile concepts
We improved wanted us to make their site better optimised for the world to view their great illustrations. Primary mission to Search Engine Optimize their site.
Mestro 1.5 – Control your bills
We made Mestro an automatic energy controller create whatever report less three click away.
On the team: concept and design Jonas Öquist, Daniel Wetter & css Krisoffer Alpsjö.
The glories business and code is created by mestro themself.
Telia Digital-tv with in-built video store
Vi har varit med att tagit fram en tänkbar snackis som skapar smeknamn till din partner, dina småbarn, eller när man behöver ett öknamn. Vad sägs om Busfjun, dyngläpp, tigerkex.
Snackisar är tänkt som en present att ha med sig till födelsedagar, inflyttning,
förlovning, dop och andra tillfällen. Den underhåller vid gåvotillfället
och lång tid efteråt när man sätter den på kylskåpet – de har en magnet
på baksidan. Tillverkad av papper/plast, storleken är 17×17 cm.
Fredrik Ampler kom med Produktidén. Daniel Wetter och Jonas Öquist tog fram designen och utveklad Snackisarna.
yoigo get help from Morten Olsen
Lynx annons
Buddistisk chanting bok
Dunderdog är mycket hedrad och tacksam för att kunna ge form till “Chanting för morgon & kväll”
Shinnyo-en är en buddistisk orden som baserar sig på Nirvana Sutran. Denna anses vara den sista och slutliga läran av Buddha och betonar att alla människor inom sig bär potentialen till upplysning. Genom medmänskliga handlingar och omtanke om andra, kan alla odla sin potential och hitta fram till sitt sanna jag; sin Buddha-natur.
Mer information hittar ni här:
Shinnyo-ens officiella globala hemsida:
Shinnyo-ens officiella japanska hemsida:
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