• Unicef

    Vi är stolta över att ha samarbetat med UNICEF. Anna Nobel samt Fredrik Ampler för att revitalisera deras webbplats med en uppdaterad design och förbättrad användarupplevelse. Vårt arbete omfattade en genomgripande uppgradering av deras designsystem för alla komponenter, inklusive sökfunktionen och webbutiken, för att göra sidan mer intuitiv och tillgänglig. Med en starkare visuell framtoning och enklare navigering har vi lyft fram UNICEFs akuta och viktiga arbete för barn över hela världen.
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  • Properties and real estate

    Increasing business value by setting a new identity, strategy, and we are sourcing the site. https://banfast.se/en/
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  • Hello Långbro värdshus

    we made an id stick to the internet. Now traffic is increasing with a beautiful design made by love. Book a food experience at langbrovardshus.se/
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  • Aftonbladet events

    The quest was to create reach for local events in Sweden. We built a POC for local events for Aftonbladet. We used our centrum app Vis.by to quickly enable Sweden larges newspaper with a great event calendar.
    Take a look at aftonbladet.se/evenemang
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  • simple egreement

    From why to a new brand. Take a look for your self at egreement, the plattform for egrees.
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  • We love the customer perspective…

    ...Since it's frank, and taps directly into the core of possibilities for value creation. We use our extensive knowledge based on qualitative market research and design. We recently delivered a whole bag filled with insights to a large Swedish Telco; how to handle the customer journey for a new segment.
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  • AllaBolag.se

    A new interaction model was introduced without any reaction from the public. We are really proud to have delivered the research, concept model and interaction design together with our friends at Limetta front end designers.
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    • https://dunderdog.se/wp-content/allabolag-koncept-2016-05-10-22.35.19.png
  • Digital Signage provider VisualArt

    Visual Art is a leading expert within business-driven Digital Signage-solutions. We built custom cms for their custom needs.
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  • Telia – Öppen Fiber

    Dunderdog made in conjunction with the launch of 'Oppenfiber.se' an installation of its own marketing and light CRM tool. Telia can now enjoy the benefits of an optimal communication process with the customer. Homeowners can easily find out if they have the right conditions for installing fiber in their villa and make inquiries about the products.Telia can register customer delivery status, can automatically communicate with the homeowners via the "MyPage" and can deliver e-mail and SMS with relevant information during the different stages of the installation process.  
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