Halebop support “ger svar på tal”

After doing massive research on how future customer support will look like. We even was privileged to act as design directors for Halebop and came up with a concept to meet customer needs faster. Take a test drive.  Halebop support with mega dropdown


Dunderdog was asked to design and produce the wip:sthlm’s new site. We are proud to sponsor such a creative bunch. wip:sthlm [work in progress] is a collaboration between 96 artists based in Ã…rstaberg, Stockholm. Since the start in 2006, wip:sthlm has grown to include four core activities; wip:ateljéhus, wip:konsthall, wip:residence and wip:butiken. Together the activities form a complete entity focusing on artistic practice, exchange of ideas and creating new networks.


Om Dunderdog

Dunderdog hjälper organisationer att bli mer innovativa och kommunikativa. Vi är kommunikations-, undersöknings- och/eller utvecklingspartner för både stora och små företag. På Dunderdog förstår vi samtidens design, konst och forskningsrön och vi skapar användarupplevelser, strategier, reklamkampanjer och grafiska profiler. Med hjärta och med bett.

Den orättvisa skolan

Den orättvisa skolan

Dunderdog gör designen för Den orättvisa skolan.
AD: Helena Burman
Grafisk form och foto: Daniel Wetter
Original: Tomas Arfert
Illustration & foto: Daniel Wetter & Helena Burman

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We launched rollingoptics.com

We are happy to present the new site for a business doing the best holos we ever seen.
We wish Fredrik Blomquist and Alex Lundvall with their team the best luck.
Take a look at the holo at Rollingoptics.
Big thanks to Patrik Engborgs great code and Search Engine Optimization, Kristian@soft.se flash intro and praise rithuset for the great illustrations!

Are we in control of our own decisions?

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we’re not as rational as we think when we make decisions. (Text taken directly from Ted)

I found this talk at Ted and thought it it relevant, interesting and a useful research.

Helping SEB with interaction design

We just love doing things better on the web. Since May 2009 has Dunderdog been helping SEB with interaction design for their Internet Bank as a long term project. Daniel Wetter sits in-house and catters the demands för both private and business side of SEB internet bank. We focus on the design and interaction of new products and services. The logged-in environment team concentrates its resources in taking care of their users, in an effort to give them existing them an improved service, consequently renewing the clients trust in the bank.


Rolling Optics

Dunderdog has designed and produced Rolling Optics fair booth for “Paper Edge” at the Reaktor 1 arranged by STFI-Packforsk and effort to show the innovation and opportunities in the fine paper industry. ‘Open Showroom’ is a terminating event in an earlier workshop series and is meant to be an inspiring meeting place for entrepreneurs, researchers and paper industry to share knowledge and build networks. The visitors are primarily from R & D, marketing and management functions at them participating in the Paper Edge (Stora Enso, Lyckeby, Akzo Nobel, etc).

On the team:
Jonas Öquist, Helena Burman, Peter Westman & Daniel Wetter

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AllReadyMades – ArtMobile i Vallby

Helena Burman har deltagt i ArtMobiles utstälning. Här SVTs inslag. Susanne Torstensson och Erik Bandolin tog initiativet till projektet. Utställningen är öppen på lördagar och söndagar, till och med den 29 mars.

Läs mera om ArtMobile

Salve & Salve gets identity

Dunderdog is proud to be be the one to finally give an identity to Salve & Salve.

Dunderdog gör Countermines webbplats!

Dunderdog har i samarbete med Share Communications tagit fram designen till Countermine Technologies nya hemsida. Countermine Technologies utvecklar och tillverkar minsaneringsutrustning samt bedriver operativ minsanering med hög säkerhet och prestanda.

Share Communications är konsulter inom finansiellt inriktad marknadskommunikation. De producerar bland annat innehållet till företagspresentationer, årsredovisningar, andra finansiella rapporter och webbinformation för främst medelstora och mindre företag och samarbetar nu med Dunderdog inom grafisk formgivning, webb- och trycksaksproduktion. www.sharecom.se