Rapid Collab Turning Ideas into Action – Get two years a head in a 1 month

Rapid Collab is a fast-paced, collaborative ideation and design method. Conducted over five intensive days, it focuses on transforming participants’ ideas into concrete, tested concepts. Our workshops are often run digitally using Miro, enabling seamless, anonymous co-creation. This method has been successfully applied in diverse settings, including with kids for 29k.org.

Why This Approach Works

Why This Approach Works
By blending structured testing, diverse participation, and in-depth analysis, Rapid Collab ensures user-centric and data-driven outcomes. This iterative process creates solutions that resonate with target audiences, fostering deeper engagement and satisfaction.

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The Process

The Process

Day 1: Setting the Foundation

  • Objective: Define the challenge and align on goals.
    • Define the principal stakeholders.
    • Sketch the customer journeys for these stakeholders.

Day 2: Ideation

  • Inspire: Gather and share ideas through simple sketches, referencing good external solutions.
  • Crazy 8s: Brainstorm areas of interest and sketch proposals collaboratively or independently.
  • Present and Refine: Share ideas with the group, refine based on feedback, and prepare detailed iterations.

Day 3: Prioritization

  • Decide: Determine which ideas or components best align with Day 1’s goals.
  • Pin the Ideas: Use a board to organize ideas with catchy headings and visuals.
  • Feedback:
    • Like: Highlight the most promising aspects.
    • Risk: Identify and discuss risky elements.

Day 4: Prototyping

  • Development: Create prototypes based on refined ideas from the earlier days.
    • Choose fidelity: Paper sketches, wireframes, or digital designs.
    • Make prototypes clickable.
    • Define scenarios for testing.

Day 5: Testing

  • User Testing: Engage target groups to interact with the prototype.
    • Select respondents from diverse demographics.
    • Conduct recorded interviews with at least three participants per group.
    • Facilitate user-friendly tests with clear tasks.
  • Analysis:
    • Debrief respondents and gather quotes.
    • Compile a top-line report with insights, supported by user quotes and demo footage.


The process is designed to foster innovative, user-aligned solutions while promoting collaboration and iterative improvement.

Key Steps in Testing:

  1. Choose and brief respondents.
  2. Introduce the prototype with a welcoming tone.
  3. Guide respondents through clear tasks.
  4. Record feedback and interactions.


Present results and demonstrate the prototype.

Select key quotes and moments to illustrate findings.

Ready to collaborate or have questions about Rapid Collab? Reach out today to discuss how this method can work for your organization.

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Commissioned to help one of the largest ICT companies with their taxonomy

We have long experience in creating structures that work.

In this case, we made a localization strategy based on local presence in 186 countries. The mission was to boosted findability, leads, and sales in the taxonomy work. There were conducted user tests on main navigation for the global site.

That was a tough one, but some challenges needed our nose to be solved.


Congrats, Bredbandswebben for the newly repainted site

We conducted a rapid prototype study for Telia Operator to see what the next step would be. We put together a team, Emil as a art director, Mikael Stange on copy, Morten Olsen on research and Kristoffer Alpsjö on pixel magic. Jonas Öquist did the barking.

Take a look on bredbandswebben.se

Design through research comission

How do a service provider create the perfect customer experience when you get a delivery of several complex products at the same time. We where commissioned to analyze this area.

Halebop support “ger svar på tal”

After doing massive research on how future customer support will look like. We even was privileged to act as design directors for Halebop and came up with a concept to meet customer needs faster. Take a test drive.  Halebop support with mega dropdown

Om Dunderdog

Dunderdog hjälper organisationer att bli mer innovativa och kommunikativa. Vi är kommunikations-, undersöknings- och/eller utvecklingspartner för både stora och små företag. På Dunderdog förstår vi samtidens design, konst och forskningsrön och vi skapar användarupplevelser, strategier, reklamkampanjer och grafiska profiler. Med hjärta och med bett.

Mobile concepts

Gula Sidorna Nära Dig, Telia SurfPort, Svenska Spel, FriendFinder

Bot fighter- Bästa mobilspel
Bot fighter

Forskningsuppdrag för Eniro

I maj-juni har Dunderdogs Morten Olsen utfört två undersökningar för Eniro med hjälp av den allra senaste tekniken för att kartlägga ögonrörelser, s k eye-tracking. Undersökningarna gjordes av söktjänster samt av katalogframsidor och resultaten kan användas bl a för att optimera sök- och kommunikationseffektivitet.

heatmap över eniro.se förstasida
Utrustning: Tobii 1750 Eyetracker och Tobii Studio

Manifesto for Agile Software Development


We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Kent Beck
Mike Beedle
Arie van Bennekum
Alistair Cockburn
Ward Cunningham
Martin Fowler
James Grenning
Jim Highsmith
Andrew Hunt
Ron Jeffries
Jon Kern
Brian Marick
Robert C. Martin
Steve Mellor
Ken Schwaber
Jeff Sutherland
Dave Thomas

Read more about Agile Software Development