Dundershopping @ Telia

The process continues ..mobilttelia_1.png
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Telia Start page – Beyond Pink Performance :)

Today Telia launched a new start page based on Dunderdog’s communication concept and interaction design. We delivered wireframes and support under the implementation process.
Telia start page
Result after implementationTelia start page - Wireframes
Take a closer look at www.telia.se
On the team: Morten Olsen, Jonas Öquist & Daniel Wetter

Mobile concepts

Gula Sidorna Nära Dig, Telia SurfPort, Svenska Spel, FriendFinder

Bot fighter- Bästa mobilspel
Bot fighter

We improved rithuset.se

rithusetRithuset.se wanted us to make their site better optimised for the world to view their great illustrations. Primary mission to Search Engine Optimize their site.

Telia Mobilt – we make it better

Dunderdog continues helping Telia with the company’s site telia.se. This time the focus is on Telia Mobilt. Dunderdog has looked closely att the user experience and optimisation providing interaction design. The short-term goal is to increase the conversion-rate. The deliverables are under implementation.

On the team: Morten Olsen, Jonas Öquist & Daniel Wetter

Telia Digital-tv

Dunderdog was asked to help with Telia Digital-tv for telia.se site. The purpose was to analyse and deliver direct improvements in the the flow from the first page to the top-level order flow and clarify the USP. The short-term goal was to increase the conversion-rate. The deliveables are under implementation.

On the team: Morten Olsen, Jonas Öquist & Daniel Wetter

Telia Digital-tv

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Dunderdog gör Countermine Technologies årsredovisning

Countermine Technologies har utvecklat en banbrytande minsaneringsteknik. De utvecklar och tillverkar minsaneringsutrustning samt bedriver operativ minsanering med hög säkerhet och prestanda på många ställen i världen. Tack vare vår avancerade teknik kan den sanerade marken snabbt tas i bruk och kultiveras.

Dunderdog har tagit fram Countermines årsredovisning i samarbete med Share Finansiell kommunikation och PR.


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B3IT är ett konsultföretag med affärsidén att hjälpa företag och förvaltningar att effektivisera sin IT-verksamhet samt förbättra sin affärsverksamhet med hjälp av smartare IT-lösningar. Vi verkar som specialister och kompetensförstärkning i våra uppdragsgivares projekt eller så tar vi ett helhetsansvar för förändrings- och utvecklingsprojekt.


Dunderdog gjorde: design, koncept, produktion och implementation för B3its hemsida. Vi byggde och implementerade en CMS och utbildade företaget i processerna för uppdatering av informationsflödet.

Dunderdogs team:
Jonas Öquist – CD
Daniel Wetter – AD
Helena Burman – Färg/Form
Kristoffer Alpsjö – Programmering, CMS och Sökmotor optimering


Today we received the sad news that Dunderdog did not get the order to produce Twilfit‘s site on the web.
We like our proposal so much that we show it here.

The team:
Daniel Wetter, AD, design
Ulrika Tjernström, copy, informationsstructure
Kristoffer Alpsjö, useability, technique
Buster Blom, flashprogramming

sortiment details
Special offer

Download PDF presentation.


A landmark for Flemingsberg.

A LED lit 16 meter dandelion gracefully swings in the wind.
The Crown changes its colours. This is done dynamically through a live database contact.

The shape of the structure is fiberglass and its shape gives a strong resemblance to a dandelion (maskros in swedish). It has a kinship to the way braincells are depicted. This shape is also used in the way we describe diagrams and thought processes as networking. Its form cannot but be inspiring. LED technique used is used in the most advanced technological applications and can easily controlled to give any colour light.

A kind of thermometer.

The slogan “From brain to business” suits the project perfectly.
The structure is connected to a database. The data of the database is significant and to illustrate we give here a few examples: The colour of the crown changes depending on the amount of children born in the community, or the telephone calls done from the area, or the business transactions of the day, Nasdac course, the price of gold, the CO2 emissions in the area. The dandelion has also anothe r function: it generates electricity. Using piezoelectric technology the structure can in slight winds produce with each straw small electrical charges. Added together it can be a electricity generator.

The “dandelion” measures. What it measures can be decided specifically to a moment or a topic of interest. The structure is a suffice to say a way for the community to voice a thought.

It makes good sense to choose LED technique and piezoelectric technology. Its embodies technology and has a low cost for maintenance.

The technique
Wikipedia has someMaskros useful information of the uses of LED Light-emitting diode.
The Dandelion at night
Maskros by day
The Dandelion during daylight
The Dandelion view from the bridge
Maskros detail
The Dandelion detail
Maskros base
The Dandelion base, made with mosaic

Dunderdog does Pack of Love

Dunderdog Design continues to gain ground. We have signed in Packoflove AB. We’ve produced Packoflove’s identity and now last the companies site on the web. www.packoflove.se
AD: Tomas Arfert
Webdesign: Tomas Arfert
HTML programing: Tomas Arfert